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4 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About in Social Media Marketing (and should)
Many small business owners are doing everything themselves in an effort to save on costs and labor because - how hard can it be after all? Here are 4 things you probably don't know about social media marketing... and should.
Budget Marketing for a Tight 1st Quarter
Most small business owners experience the same struggle every year come January. How to keep up marketing budgets when so much goes out at the end of every year both personally and business related.
How To Know When You Need Help
There is nobody out there who can go it alone and be successful as a one man show, who also wants to make it big. Those people have entire teams, departments, and more dedicated to making that happen, so what is a small business owner to do?
Marketing in the Time of Brexit
Marketing uncertainty looms in terms of Brexit. The best way to ensure you conform to new practises is by continuously updateing yourself with new information until the dust settles.Alternatively you can follow industry leaders that will keep you updated on any necessary changes.
How to Generate New Leads on Social Media
Being able to generate new leads is the bread and butter of any business. Being able to turn those leads into clients, is a skill. We can help with both of those things, because getting new leads is easily the hardest part of marketing, especially if a small business.
How to Scale Your Small Business or Startup
Starting a business is no small task, the labor and passions that go into growing a business out of nearly nothing is a Herculean act. With success, comes the desire to grow, but how does one know when the right time is to do so?
Products & Services
Free Up Time & Save On Effort
For every problem, there is usually a solution. Of those without a solution, few are the type without a solution long-term which means that the ability to think critically, to think creatively and openly about solutions, is the key to success.
Marketing Automation into 2020
Anytime the world is on the cusp of large change, big benefits await the brave who venture out to learn the ‘new’; while a source of apprehension, it is the perfect opportunity to do what many will not, and get ahead.
Do you know BERT? [Google SEO]
Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) a big fan of changing their algorithm, to make it smarter, faster, better in every way, and more intuitive so a person searching spends less time with poor results. The trouble is the ripple effect this has on every site connected to it. Do you know BERT?
There are plenty of shopping carts, you want one that fits your needs without sacrificing time, and effort. Paykickstart could be the ideal solution.