
Home/Kajsa Butler AHS, BSocSc

About Kajsa Butler AHS, BSocSc

Kat is our primary writer at Magiweb, and a recent graduate of Thomas Edison State University. She enjoys all things psychology/social sciences related, and incorporates the many secrets of humanity into her marketing writing. She loves to read, listen to music, gaming, motorcycling, and finding goodness in unexpected places.

Increasing Engagement Through Audio

2019-03-07T13:13:42+00:00Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Traffic Optimisation And Analysis, Traffic Sourcing|

If pictures speak a thousand words, then audio must be all the languages of the world when coupled with pictures. There are many ways to help boost the power of your photo content, but none so much as making it into a slide show or presentation complete with audio.

Pairing SEO With Long-Form Content – Why It Matters?

2019-03-07T13:13:43+00:00Search Engine Optimization|

For most people who write articles or content for SEO purposes, it is faster and easier to write short articles that can be posted quickly to keep content fresh and hopefully exciting. The trouble is, in trying to keep up with Google's forever shifting algorithms.