

Talk to Your Customers While You’re Sleeping

2019-03-07T13:13:38+00:00Social Media Marketing|

A "for idiots" guide to using free chat bots to secure leads & customers before they're gone for good! In to-days world of fast-paced marketing communication is critical... And even more so with social media. If you are not available to help prospective clients 24/7 then you are losing out!

The Law Which Will Change Marketing

2019-03-07T13:13:38+00:00Email Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing|

If you have yet to see the acronym "GDPR" then you're certainly in the right place, because this law, which stands for the General Data Protection Regulation will forever change the face of marketing, and you need to be prepared, and form your strategy before it hits.  Read on, we've got you covered. [...]