

Internet Marketing for Beginners

2019-03-07T13:13:41+01:00Internet Marketing, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Traffic Sourcing|

If you've never done any kind of internet marketing, but you're interested in starting, it can be hard to find the best foot forward because it seems like there is always so much to do.

Video Marketing for Small Budgets

2019-03-07T13:13:41+01:00Internet Marketing, Marketing, Video|

Some of us rue the day YouTube was born, bringing user-created and user-shared videos into our daily lives, because it took away from advertising done by small businesses, and destroyed the reach small businesses once had before video was everywhere. Small businesses exist in a strange place. They cannot hope to beat the budgets of [...]

How to Represent Your Brand in Social Media

2019-03-07T13:13:41+01:00Marketing, Social Media Marketing|

Your brand is everything when it comes to your business, and your business is not your brand. Your business is what you do professionally to earn money, and your brand is much more. Your brand is a mix between yourself, and what you're selling - be it a product, service, or information. Your brand is the best parts of yourself, combined with your businesses core values, intent, and purpose.

12 Steps To Build Your Email Marketing List

2019-03-07T13:13:41+01:00Email Marketing, Internet Marketing|

What is the difference between a client and a lead?  How about an audience and a target audience? We'll explain all of these and a whole lot more in this post, because creating your own email marketing list is crucial to a successful campaign. First off, don't buy a list from someone else, be it [...]